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Asian Citrus Psyllid

Threat to Citrus Trees
El psílido asiático de los cítricos y la enfermedad de Huanglongbing

Asian Citrus Psyllids, or ACP (Diaphorina citri), can transmit a citrus disease named citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing, or HLB). This pest/disease complex was found in Florida orange groves in the 1990s. Citrus greening disease has nearly wiped out the Florida citrus industry.

"Asian citrus psyllid attacks all varieties of citrus and very closely related ornamental plants in the family Rutaceae (mock orange, Indian curry leaf, orange jasmine and other Murraya species). This pest attacks new citrus leaf growth and, because of the salivary toxin that it injects, causes the new leaf tips to burn back." (UC IPM Asian Citrus Psyllid)

In Santa Barbara County:

  • ACP are in Santa Barbara County. 
  • Citrus greening disease is in Southern California, but has not yet been found in Santa Barbara County. 

To slow the spread of ACP/HLB:

  • Remove stems, leaves, and debris from fruit before sharing backyard citrus harvests. ACP may "hitchhike" on stems, leaves, and debris.

  • Consider replacing citrus trees with plants or trees that are not hosts for ACP. By reducing the availability of hosts, we can reduce the power of ACP/HLB to spread.

  • Obtain citrus budwood for grafting from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program at UC Riverside to ensure you are not grafting infected material onto your trees.

Visit https://californiacitrusthreat.org/ for resources and information on how to protect your citrus.