2156 Sierra Way
Suite C
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805) 235-7474

Also in:
Santa Barbara County
Ventura County
Shannon Klisch is the Area Director for the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. She has been with UCCE on the central coast since 2014 and has over 19 years of experience in managing and leading programs in the fields of community and school health and nutrition. With UCCE, Shannon has experience providing academic leadership and oversight to Community Nutrition and Health, UC Master Food Preservers, and youth engagement programs. Shannon holds two bachelor’s degrees from the University of California, San Diego in Anthropology and Communication and a Master’s in Public Health from San Josè State University.
- Challenge Award: Cross-sector Partnerships for Food and Nutrition Security
Presented by California State Association of Counties, https://www.counties.org/post/2023-challenge-awards, 2023
- SNAP-Ed/EFNEP Education Award - Regional 2nd Place
Presented by National Association of Extension Family & Consumer Sciences, 2023
- School Wellness - 2nd place National, 2nd place Regional
Presented by National Association of Extension Family & Consumer Sciences, https://neafcs.memberclicks.net/2021-award-winners, 2021
- Co-creating youth advocacy for healthy communities
Presented by California State Association of Counties, https://www.counties.org/post/2018-challenge-award-recipients, 2018
- School Wellness - 2nd place National, 1st place Regional
Presented by National Extension Association of Family Consumer Sciences, 2018
Food SecuritySpecialty
Community Health EducationAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Communication, Education, and Information Delivery
- Nutrition Education and Behavior
- Nutrition and Hunger in the Population
- Obesity Prevention
- Individual and Family Resource Management
- Youth Development
Peer Reviewed
- Hong, Kelly; Costa, Mishelle; Klisch, Shannon A (2024). Building Capacity for Authentic Youth Engagement. Journal of Trauma-Informed Community Health, Nutrition, and Physical Activity. 2:1. January. https://j-tich.org/index.php/jtich
- Vargas, Rosa; Costa, Mishelle; Klisch, S (2024). Farmers Market Navigator Program Increases Access to Healthy, Local Foods. Journal of Trauma-Informed Community Health, Nutrition, and Physical Activity. 2:1, 24. January. https://j-tich.org/index.php/jtich
Klisch, S.A.; Soule, K.E. Schools as Hubs of Health: A Comprehensive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program—Education Model for Promoting Wellness in Low-Income Communities. Children 2024, 11, 525. https://doi.org/10.3390/children11050525
- Marrs, Abbi; Costa, Mishelle; Klisch, Shannon A (2024). SPROUTS: Teens as Teachers in the Garden. Journal of Trauma-Informed Community Health, Nutrition, and Physical Activity. 2:1, 29. January. https://j-tich.org/index.php/jtich
- Klisch, S.; Diaz, M.; Dimond, E.; Hong, K.; Marrs, A.; Plascencia, B.; Rorabough, M.; Vargas, R.; Soule, K (2023). 4-H SNAC (Student Nutrition Advisory Council) Guide. National 4-H. November.
Soule, KE; Klisch, S (2022). Addressing Diversity at Multiple Levels of the Social Ecological Model chapter in book Grassroots Engagement and Social Justice through Cooperative Extension. I. Fields and T. Shaffer. (eds.) Michigan State University Press. August. https://msupress.org/9781611864274/grassroots-engagement-and-social-justice-through-cooperative-extension/
- Vargas, R.; Klisch, S. (2022). Cooking together (2022) to build community and promote healthy during COVID-19. Journal of NEAFCS. 74-80. https://neafcs.memberclicks.net/assets/documents/journal/2022-jneafcs/2022-JNEAFCS.pdf
- Klisch, S.; Keisler, A.; Koch, R. (2022). Systemic barriers to equitable access to SNAP: A survey of people who work in the system. Abstract published by the American Public Health Association. June. https://apha.confex.com/apha/2022/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/515164
- Klisch, S.; Soule, K.E. (2021). 4-H Student Nutrition Advisory Councils Support Positive Youth Development and Health Outcomes Among Underserved Populations. Journal of Extension. 59. https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/vol59/iss3/19/
- Scherr, R.; Jones, A.; Colorafi, R.; Klisch, S.; Linnell, J.; Soule, K.E. (2020). Assessing the Effectiveness of an Extender Model Partnership in Implementing a Multicomponent, School-based Nutrition Intervention. Health Promotion Practice.
- Klisch, S.; Soule, K.E. (2020). Farmers markets: Working with community partners to provide essential services during COVID-19. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
- Klisch, S; Soule, KE (2019). 4-H Project Sheet: Bicycling. UCANR. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8645.pdf
- Soule, KE; Klisch, S (2019). 4-H Project Sheet: Hiking. UCANR. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8652.pdf
- Klisch, S; Soule, KE (2019). 4-H Project Sheet: School Wellness. UCANR. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8655.pdf
- Soule, KE; Klisch, S (2019). 4-H Project Sheet: Stress Management. UCANR. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8658.pdf
- Bergman, J; Linnell, J; Scherr, R; Ginsburg, D; Brian, K; Carter, R; Donohue, S; Klisch, S; Lawry-Hall, S; Pressman, J; Soule, K; Zidenberg-Cherr, S (2018). Feasibility of Implementing a School Nutrition Intervention That Addresses Policies, Systems, and Environment. Journal of Extension. 56:1. February. https://archives.joe.org/joe/2018february/a6.php
- Klisch, S.; DiCaprio, E.; Soule, K.E.; Ravalin, D. (2018). Safety of Carrageenan. UC ANR Publications. 8642. November. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8642.pdf
- Klisch, S; Soule, KE (2017). 4-H Project Sheet: Building Health Advocacy Skills. UCANR. https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8602.pdf
- Soule, K.E.; Klisch, S. (2016). Schools as Hubs of Health: A Case Study of Comprehensive Nutrition Education Program Delivery. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Conference Abstract. http://www.jneb.org/article/S1499-4046(16)30195-6/pdf
- Klisch, S; Mamary, E; Diaz Olavrireta, C; Garcia, S (2007). Patient-led partner notification for syphilis: Strategies used by women accessing antenatal care in urban Bolivia. Social Science and Medicine. September. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17561325/
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Klisch, S.; C., Hecht (2022). Food and Drinking Water Security. UC ANR Concept Notes - Health. August. https://ucanr.edu/sites/StrategicInitiatives/files/371597.pdf
- Klisch, S.; Keisler, A. (2022). Many eligible Californians aren't using CalFresh to improve food security. UC ANR Food Blog. May. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=52269
- Klisch, S.; Marrs, A.; Petit, M.; Vargas, R. (2022). UCCE engages a school community to increase the use of a school garden, promoting school and community health and wellness, and shaping future leaders. UC Delivers. December. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=55775
- Gertschen, D.; Vargas, R.; Klisch, S. (2021). Eating for health: It’s not what it “looks” like. UC ANR Healthy Communities Blog. July. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=48960
- Hong, K.; Dimond, E.; LaFreniere, M.; Vargas, R.; Klisch, S. (2021). Resilience and Innovation: CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE partners with school districts to promote healthy living. UC Delivers. August. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=50205
- Klisch, S.; Dimond, E.; Vargas, R. (2021). UCCE Partnerships Support Increased Access to Healthy Food and Income to Local Farmers. UC Delivers. December 15. https://cesanluisobispo.ucanr.edu/uccalfreshslosb/Blog/?blogpost=51100&blogasset=115476
- Vargas, R.; Diaz, M.; Dimond, E.; Klisch, S. (2021). Virtual cooking classes build community and promote health during COVID-19. UC Delivers. July. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=49016
- Klisch, S.; Soule, K.E. (2020). CalFresh Healthy Living, UC supports safe, healthy food access during the COVID-19 pandemic. UC Delivers. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=41215
- Klisch, S; Dimond, E.; Vargas, R.; Soule, K.E (2020). CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE develops culinary skills and contributes to community health during COVID-19 pandemic. UC Delivers. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=43469
- Klisch, S.; Soule, K.E. (2020). Homeschooling during the shelter at home order: Kids in the kitchen. UCANR Food Blog. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=41427
- Klisch, S.; Soule, K.E. (2020). UCCE Promotes CalFresh to increase access to healthy, local food. UC Delivers. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=39159
- Thomas, L.; Klisch, S. (2019). Smarter snacks for schools. UCANR Food Blog. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=38956
- Willis, J.; Klisch, S.; Soule, KE. (2017). Youth leaders find their photo-voice. UC Healthy Communities Blog. September. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=25201