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Contact Us

Office Information

Santa Barbara County
Cooperative Extension
Please forward all inquiries to: 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 781-5940
Fax: (805) 781-4316

County Director

Photo of Shannon Klisch
Shannon Klisch
Title: Area Director for UCCE in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties
Specialty: Community Health Education
Phone: (805) 235-7474
Email: sklisch@ucanr.edu

Cross County Advisors

Photo of Ben A Faber , Ph.D.
Ben A Faber , Ph.D.
Title: Advisor
Specialty: Soils and water, avocados and minor subtropicals in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Phone: (805) 645-1462
Email: bafaber@ucanr.edu
Photo of Christopher A Greer PhD
Christopher A Greer PhD
Title: Area Cooperative Extension Advisor - Integrated Pest Management
Specialty: Integrated Pest Management of Agricultural Crops
Notes: cell: 805-888-1355
Phone: 805-781-5161
Email: cagreer@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Royce E Larsen E.
Dr Royce E Larsen E.
Title: Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor
Specialty: Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Phone: (805) 434-4106
Email: relarsen@ucanr.edu
Photo of Emma Volk
Emma Volk
Title: Production Horticulture Area Advisor
Email: evolk@ucanr.edu


Photo of Max Alan Moritz Ph.D.
Max Alan Moritz Ph.D.
Title: Specialist in Cooperative Extension
Specialty: Fire Ecology and Management; Disturbance Regimes; Spatial Analysis; Fire Policy; Climate Change Adaptation
Notes: Publications via Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=A_0DKxMAAAAJ
Phone: 805-893-8747
Email: mmoritz@ucanr.edu

Administrative Staff

Photo of Hiromi Peck
Hiromi Peck
Title: Administrative Services Officer I
Phone: 805-781-5942
Email: hpeck@ucanr.edu
Photo of Mary Stason
Mary Stason
Title: Administrative Assistant lll
Phone: 805-781-5940
Email: mvstason@ucanr.edu

CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE

Photo of Mishelle Costa
Mishelle Costa
Title: Community Education Supervisor II
Phone: 805-781-5947
Email: mpetit@ucanr.edu
Photo of Miguel Diaz
Miguel Diaz
Title: UC CalFresh NEP Community Education Specialist 2
Email: midiaz@ucanr.edu
Photo of Kelly Q Hong
Kelly Q Hong
Title: Community Nutrition Specialist 3
Specialty: Nutrition Education and Youth Engagement
Email: kqhong@ucanr.edu
Photo of Kumari Jayakody
Kumari Jayakody
Title: Nutrition Educator
Phone: 8057815947
Email: kjayakody@ucanr.edu
Photo of Abbi Marrs
Abbi Marrs
Title: Community Education Specialist 4
Specialty: Garden Sustainability
Phone: 805-781-5947
Email: mbmarrs@ucanr.edu
Photo of Melissa S Rorabough
Melissa S Rorabough
Title: UC CalFresh NEP Community Education Specialist 2
Phone: 805-781-5947
Email: mslafreniere@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rosa Vargas
Rosa Vargas
Title: Regional Manager
Email: rivargas@ucanr.edu

4-H Youth Development

Photo of Ana M Torres
Ana M Torres
Title: 4-H YDP Regional Program Supervisor
Specialty: Oversees the 4-H Program and staff in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties.
Phone: 805-781-5941
Email: amltorres@ucanr.edu

Master Gardeners

Statewide Program Staff and Academics

Photo of Maria De Lourdes Orozco Ramirez
Maria De Lourdes Orozco Ramirez
Title: Education and Mentorship Coordinator
Email: mdlorozcoramirez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Claire Tuohey Mote
Claire Tuohey Mote
Title: Staff Research Associate
Email: ctuoheymote@ucanr.edu


Photo of Richard P Enfield
Richard P Enfield
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor-Emeritus
Specialty: Positive youth development, nonformal science projects, experiential education, John Dewey, community collaborations and the concepts of social capital, resiliency and developmental assets.
Phone: CD: (805) 781-5940 4-H: (805) 781-5943
Email: rpenfield@ucanr.edu
Photo of Mark L Gaskell Ph.D.
Mark L Gaskell Ph.D.
Title: Emeritus - Farm Advisor
Specialty: Specialty crops, small fruit crops, vegetables, sustainable agriculture, small farms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
Email: mlgaskell@ucanr.edu
Photo of A Michael Marzolla , M.A.
A Michael Marzolla , M.A.
Title: Emeritus
Specialty: Youth development, environmental & science education, educational materials development, critical pedagogy
Email: ammarzolla@ucanr.edu
Photo of Julie P Newman , M.S.
Julie P Newman , M.S.
Title: Emeritus
Specialty: Floriculture and nursery production in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Email: jpnewman@ucanr.edu
Photo of Phil Phillips
Phil Phillips
Title: Area IPM Advisor, Emeritus
Specialty: Extension of IPM information and adoption of IPM through demonstration and adaptive local research; in citrus, avocados, grapes, strawberries and vegetables
Phone: (805) 645-1457
Email: paphillips@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Carol J Powell
Carol J Powell
Title: Family & Consumer Science Advisor Emerita
Email: cgpowell@ucdavis.edu