Complete strategic visioning survey by Sept. 8

Sep 6, 2023

We are currently updating our UC ANR Strategic Vision. We kicked-off the conversation at the April 2023 UC ANR Statewide Conference, and that then informed the development of the strategic visioning survey that is currently open.

While we have received responses from across our employee and external stakeholder groups, overall response rates are still lower than desired. The strategic visioning process will outline UC ANR's areas of focus and will influence allocation of resources for the next 15 years so it's critical that everyone's voice is represented. 

Hoping to appeal to healthy competition, we especially need to hear from those in the groups listed below that currently have lower response rates.

  • Campus-based colleagues, especially those of you at UC Berkeley and UC Davis (nice job so far from UC Riverside and UC Merced)
  • County- & REC-based colleagues (kudos to statewide program/institute staff and statewide administrative staff for higher response rates so far)
  • All program areas (but a shout out to those working in Healthy Families and Communities who are leading in response rate)

If you haven't yet responded, please be sure to find the Aug. 21 email from and respond to the survey by Sept. 8. The survey takes about 15minutes to complete.

On Aug. 21, you received an email from our Vice President Humiston inviting you to participate in the UC ANR Strategic Vision Input Survey with a unique survey link just for you. On Aug. 28, reminders were sent to those who had not yet submitted a response. 

All responses are confidential, and will be aggregated, analyzed, and provided to the strategic visioning committee to develop the Strategic Vision 2024.

By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach