Powers, Bell announce departures

Apr 25, 2022

It is with mixed emotions that we share news of our departures from UC ANR. Our decisions were arrived at independently, but given how closely we have worked with each other, we wish to share our news together.

I, Vice Provost Mark Bell, will be taking on new challenges at the end of June after five years with UC ANR and 15 years, total, with UC. I will return to the international work I am so passionate about and where the needs remain so great – particularly with the recent pandemic and ongoing conflicts. While departing as a UC ANR employee, I hope to engage my colleagues from UC ANR and across UC whenever possible. I thank my many wonderful UC ANR and other colleagues for making these 15 years of service to UC and California so rewarding.

Later this summer, I, Associate Vice President Wendy Powers, will begin a new adventure as the Cashup Davis Dean of the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resources Sciences at Washington State University. I have learned much over the last six years with UC ANR that will guide me in the future. As difficult a decision as it is to leave, especially given the recent successes, I look forward to staying connected as part of the Western Region of the land-grant system. I am particularly excited for my friend and colleague, Mark Bell.

The leadership team is working on interim plans to be in place prior to our departure. More information will be coming over the next month or two.

With great enthusiasm we look forward to the remainder of our time working with each of you. We know UC ANR is on a path toward achieving more great things and are humbled by our experiences and interactions with each of you. Thank you for letting us be a part of UC ANR!

Wendy Powers
Associate Vice President

Mark Bell
Vice Provost of Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs


By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach