ANR releases supplemental call for positions

Jan 24, 2012


As previously announced in ANR Update (December 13, 2011), ANR will be soliciting proposals for CE advisor and specialist positions. This supplemental call aims to address programmatic gaps that were not previously identified or that have arisen since last year’s process. The new call is posted at

The online submittal system will be open from February 1–May 18 to allow as much time as possible for internal consultation and external input from ANR stakeholders in all program areas.

As mentioned, Program Council members have requested additional information for previously submitted position proposals that must address the “justification” section found in this year’s template. Both revised and new proposals are required to complete the “justification” section to identify critical issues that the position will address and explain how a proposed ANR position will address those issues.

The submission system will be open for both new proposals and for revision and resubmission of earlier proposals that were not previously selected for recruitment.  Existing position proposals will be available through the ANR Portal on February 1. If you wish to submit a new proposal, use the revised template found in the link in the first paragraph above. Specific instructions for both existing and new proposals will be available on the online system.

Filling critical academic positions remains a top priority for ANR. The resources released through retirements and separations will allow us to hire new advisors and specialists. We are taking steps to protect these funds for reallocation, and we anticipate that we will be able to continue to fill academic positions as resources allow.


Barbara Allen-Diaz
Vice President

View or leave comments for the Executive Working Group

This announcement is also posted and archived on the
ANR Update pages.

By Cynthia Kintigh
Author - Marketing Director