ANR seeks proposals for advisor & specialist positions

Sep 15, 2010

Advisor and Specialist Position Solicitation

Dear Colleagues,

ANR is soliciting proposals for new advisor and specialist positions. These positions should address critical gaps in ANR’s programmatic and geographic coverage. Proposals must include: a general description of the position; a statement of the relevance to the ANR Strategic Vision; a description of the issues to be addressed (including key extension and research programs); identification of the current ANR continuum and the role this position will play in strengthening/building the continuum; and the support that will be provided. Specific guidelines are outlined in the New ANR Position Template (please see download attachment).

Position proposals will be accepted via a Web-based submittal site beginning September 20 and closing on November 15. Proposals may be forwarded by ANR workgroups, county Cooperative Extension offices, campus departments, and ANR strategic initiative panels. Only the strategic initiative leaders, associate deans of the colleges, county directors and workgroup chairs will have access to submit position proposals, so it is strongly encouraged that you communicate with your colleagues to provide your input during this process.

The designated representatives will gain access to the restricted site through their ANR portal and can submit proposals by completing the template, which is intended to create a two-page (maximum) position proposal. County directors, strategic initiative leaders, associate deans and workgroup chairs will receive additional communication with instructions in the coming days.

These proposals will be provided to ANR’s Program Council for review and discussion. Program Council will begin reviewing proposals during the January meeting and develop recommendations to the vice president by March. The criteria for evaluating the positions have been addressed in the headings and instructions in the proposal template.

It is anticipated that the advisor and specialist hiring will need to be staggered over a 24-month period. During this period, it is expected that ANR will be able to fund approximately 20 new positions, with the intent of continuing the process and additional hiring quickly following this initial round.

Barbara Allen-Diaz
Associate Vice President
Academic Programs and Strategic Initiatives

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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach