Water Resources Center Archive proposal from UC Riverside accepted

Jul 16, 2010

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that ANR has accepted a proposal from UC Riverside to house the Water Resources Center Archive. Developed in collaboration with CSU San Bernardino, the amount of organizational work and collaboration between UC and CSU in developing this proposal was impressive.

While the archives will be housed on both campuses, the two facilities are located near each other and their collections are complementary. The funding will be stable and the institutional support is impressive. It is highly likely that the evidenced support from both campus communities will lead to additional funding sources. Accessibility of the archives will be maintained, and they will be located in an area with a long history and interest in CA water issues. In addition, UC Riverside has an established record of innovation in expanding digital access to important records related to agriculture and the environment. An advisory board will be constituted and collaborations with the California Digital Library will be explored further to assist with digitizing of records.

The collaboration and integration with CSU is exactly the type of initiative that achieves innovative and cost-effective higher education partnerships in California. This is an outstanding proposal and the review committee and I strongly support UCR as the new home for the Archives.

I would like to thank the Berkeley, Davis and Riverside campuses for submitting proposals for taking over the Water Resources Center Archives. If you would like to see the three proposals, they are posted at http://ucanr.org/wrca update.

Dan Dooley
Senior Vice President


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By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach