Got a compelling field story and educational content to share? Try the new UC ANR story pipeline

May 13, 2019

If you're interested in driving people to your content and field stories, and in highlighting the work of UC ANR, now there's a central “pipeline” to do just that. 

Strategic Communications and Strategic Initiatives have established a process for promoting your “stories from the field” on the home page and on a new UC ANR Knowledge Stream blog that is a destination page for stories and educational content.

Why this blog? The approach is based on successful similar efforts in other states, where a central distribution channel helps people find experts and useful information and grows the organization's web presence. The blog-style stories of interesting activity and achievement link audiences to people and to educational content in an easily consumable way. 

Okay, where do I submit? Submit your short stories here (remember to include a picture or two to make it more appealing). The link is also available on the Strategic Initiatives main page

Here are some examples from “early adopters” of the pipeline.

What happens after I submit? Your survey response and story will be reviewed by Strategic Communications and published on an ANR platform (e.g. Knowledge Stream blog, social media, website, etc.), or we'll work with you to develop it further. You will be notified when your story goes live so you can promote it to your networks. 

What support is out there for developing my writing? Rose Hayden-Smith offers training and consultation in this area. Contact her at for more information. There are also resources for developing your stories on the Learning and Development site. 

For more info: Contact Strat Comm or the relevant Strategic Initiative leader: Jim Farrar (Pests and Diseases), Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty (Healthy Families and Communities), Deanne Meyer (Sustainable Food Systems), David Lile (Sustainable Natural Ecosystems) or David Lewis (Water).

Linda Forbes
Director of Strategic Communications


By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach