Changing of the Strategic Initiatives guard

Jan 2, 2019

Changing of the Strategic Initiatives guard

Jan 2, 2019

2019 brings new challenges, new opportunities and new leadership to our UC ANR Strategic Initiatives. Please join us in welcoming our new leaders for two of our five initiatives.

The Future

The Strategic Initiatives (SI) play a key role in building our umbrella by Unifying, Communicating, and advocating to promote the science and impact of the work of UC ANR.

Our two new leaders join a team with a range of initiatives underway for 2019 including:

  • A look at how we can better connect across UC ANR (led by Deanne Meyer),
  • California Safe”: Two one-day SI institutes looking at fire, our response, what is known and how can it be more effectively implemented (led by David Lile)
  • A “Spotlight” webinar series (led by Jim Farrar) sharing short stories of the impactful work across the organization

All these help us advance the UC ANR agenda of positively impacting the lives of 40 million Californians.

The New SI Leaders

We welcome Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty (Healthy Families and Communities) and David Lewis (Water Quality, Quantity and Security) as our new SI leaders. 

The Rotating Leaders

As one colleague joins, another steps aside and so we recognize and thank Keith Nathaniel (HFC) and Doug Parker  (Water) for their many contributions to the organization as SI leaders. Their professionalism and friendship have made the past few years both enjoyable and productive.

The Continuing Leaders

Meanwhile, we thank Jim Farrar (Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases) and Deanne Meyer and Neil McRoberts (Sustainable Food Systems) and David Lile (Sustainable Natural Ecosystems) for their ongoing commitment to bring their leadership, experience and wisdom to advance the UC ANR agenda.

For any questions about the Strategic Initiatives, please contact Wendy Powers, associate vice president, or Mark Bell, vice provost strategic initiatives and statewide programs.

SI objectives

UC ANR Strategic Initiatives: Building our Research and Extension umbrella by Unifying, Communicating and Advocating.

Mark Bell
Vice Provost Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs


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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

By Mark Bell