2018 CE Position Call process to submit proposals ends Sept. 15

Sep 14, 2018


The 2018 CE Position Call process to develop and submit proposals ends tomorrow. The proposals are posted on the call web page: http://ucanr.edu/2018callforpositions. Internal stakeholders across the ANR network and external stakeholders were engaged, throughout the seven-month process, in the development of these proposals.

To recap:

  • Phase 1 – UCCE county directors and REC directors submitted 20 CE advisor position proposals and the executive associate deans, working with campus departments, submitted 20 CE specialist position proposals.
  • Phase 2 – Program Teams reviewed the 40 phase 1 proposals and submitted six additional proposals that they identified as higher priority than the 40 already submitted.
  • Phase 3 – Statewide Programs and Institutes reviewed all 46 proposed positions, and as a group agreed there are not any additional positions they believe to be of higher priority.

To clarify Comments:

  • The process was designed to engage stakeholders in the development of the proposals rather than to provide feedback after the fact. Thus, this process does not include a formal public comment period.
  • Comments submitted in the comments box on each proposal web page are for feedback to the authors, for their review. These comments are not part of Program Council's review.

Next steps:

  • Program Council will discuss the proposals during their October and November meetings, and will provide recommendations to VP Humiston.
  • By Jan. 5, VP Humiston plans to release information on support and release of positions put forth as a result of this call.

Once again, we thank the ANR network for actively engaging in this participatory process to strengthen and rebuild CE positions statewide – which remains an ANR priority.


Wendy Powers
Associate Vice President


View or leave comments for ANR Leadership at http://ucanr.edu/sites/ANRUpdate/Comments.

This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach