Megaro named interim director of Strategic Communications

Jun 13, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I have asked Anne Megaro to serve as interim director of Strategic Communications in addition to her current role as director of government and community relations. Anne will fill this role until we rehire for the position vacated by Mike Janes, who left June 7 to accept an executive communications position at San Jose State University.

During the transition, Liz Sizensky and Pam Kan-Rice will share project management responsibilities and Cynthia Kintigh will oversee content migration to the new website design. For assistance with publicizing the impact of your work, you are welcome, as always, to contact Jeannette Warnert, Ricardo Vela or Pam directly.  

As always, thank you for the great work you do AND please help us get word of it out to the public by working with our communications team. 

Best wishes,

Glenda Humiston
Vice President

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By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach