Human resources personnel change

Apr 25, 2018

ANR Colleagues,

I'm writing to inform you of a change in ANR Human Resources.  John Sims has accepted a position with the Office of the President.  Effective May 7, I will serve as the Interim Discrimination, Affirmative Action Compliance and Title IX Officer for UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.  In this role, I am responsible for receiving reports of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or sexual violence (; 530-750-1343). 

Electronic reports of misconduct, including sexual harassment and discrimination, can also be submitted through the Office of the President's confidential hotline at 800-403-4744, or the EthicsPoint online reporting system.

You can find more information about prevention and reporting of discrimination, sexual violence and sexual harassment at:


John Fox
Executive Director, Human Resources
University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Office: (530) 750-1343

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By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist