Save your Adobe Connect video files now

May 31, 2017

Time is running out on ANR's Adobe Connect service. Make sure any video files on Adobe Connect that you need are saved to Box or YouTube ASAP. The following are steps you need to take:

1. Find out if you have any videos stored on Adobe Connect that are being used on a website.

2. If you have important files, convert them to MP4 files and save them to a local hard drive.

3. Upload the converted video to Box, YouTube or another third-party streaming service.

4. Replace the old URL link with the new video link.

As we've adopted Zoom as our new conferencing system platform, which also has MP4 recording function, we'll soon be canceling ANR's Adobe Connect subscription. We'd like you to finish moving existing Adobe Connect files you currently use to another platform by June 15, 2017. Your timely action will allow us to properly address this issue and avoid the potential loss of your recordings when we cancel the Adobe Connect service.

For the Adobe Connect URL/playback service, we have created the necessary instructions and documents to assist you with converting the existing proprietary Adobe Connect files to MP4 format and uploading them to Box, YouTube or another third-party streaming service.

Please check the following link for further information

Please contact IT Help Desk via email,, if you have any questions about this transition.

Tolgay Kizilelma
IT Infrastructure and Support

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By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach