UCANR Web site changes and ANR Update system

Mar 2, 2010

Announcement by Bob Sams, March 2, 2010
This information is also posted on the ANR Update pages of the ANR internal support Web site.

Dear Colleagues,

Today we are announcing a reconfigured ucanr.org home page for the general public, a new internal page for the ANR family, and a completely new “ANR Update” system for internal strategic communications.

Our goals are to help clientele find UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Web content, enhance your outreach efforts and help you navigate our new organization with an ANR internal support website that is accessible from your portal.

I've heard from a number of you that you don't know what's going on with the restructuring, how to get involved, how your program fits into the new initiatives, or where to get the help you need.  We hope the “ANR Update” system will significantly improve organizational and strategic communications from all of the members of the Executive Working Group and provide a way to gather feedback and respond to questions that are important to you.

We are launching this system to create one authoritative, up-to-date source for announcements, feedback, questions and responses. To do that, we're planning a blend of channels to push, post and archive key announcements, and to collect and respond to your feedback and concerns. Today we issued the first ANR Update, which we will send out every Tuesday.

Will it be effective? We need to hear from you.  We need you to help us promote, test and evaluate “ANR Update” as THE place to go for UC ANR information. Use the comment/question tool, which is at the bottom of every page, or e-mail me personally at rwsams@ucdavis.edu.


Bob Sams, Communication Services director


By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach