Register for Nov. 16 SNE and EIPD Joint SI Conference

Oct 13, 2016

Register for Nov. 16 SNE and EIPD Joint SI Conference

Registration is now open for the Joint Strategic Initiatives Conference for Sustainable and Natural Resources (SNE) and Endemic & Invasive Pests & Diseases (EIPD) on Nov. 16 at UC Davis Conference Center.

The conference will provide an opportunity for colleagues to learn about the projects, programs, and research efforts happening throughout the Division that are at the intersection of pest management and natural resources. Proposed presentations and discussions will include:

  • Wildlife management
  • Invasive plants in rangelands and forests
  • Impacts of pests on fire vulnerability
  • Livestock health

To register or to see the agenda, visit the program website at

In conjunction with the conference, several workgroups are meeting and trainings are being offered:

Ecological Restoration Workgroup

November 14, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Sacramento Valley Room
2801 Second Street, Davis

Entomology Workgroup

November 15, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
San Joaquin Valley Room
2801 Second Street, Davis

2016 UC ANR Do No Harm Workshop (ANR In-Service Training): Considerations for the use of non-local species in ecological restoration

November 15, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
UC Davis Conference Center
Separate registration is required. To register, visit

Spray Technology Workgroup and Spray Calibration In-Service Training

November 15, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pomology Field Headquarters
Hopkins Rd. UC Davis

Wildlife Workgroup

November 17
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
San Joaquin Valley Room
2801 Second Street, Davis

California Naturalists Workgroup

November 17
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sacramento Valley Room
2801 Second Street, Davis

For more information about the Joint Strategic Initiatives Conference program, contact Cheryl Wilen, EIPD strategic initiative leader, at, or John Harper, SNE strategic initiative leader, at For more information about logistics, contact ANR Program Support Unit or Sherry Cooper at (530) 750-1256.

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