VP announces 2015 competitive grants program RFP

Jan 22, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the request for proposals for ANR's 2015 competitive grants program is now released and can be found at http://ucanr.edu/sites/anrstaff/Divisionwide_Programs/2015_ANR_Competitive_Grants_Program.

The purpose of this grants program is to address high-priority issues identified by at least one of the strategic initiatives: Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases (EIPD), Healthy Families and Communities (HFC), Sustainable Food Systems (SFS), Sustainable Natural Ecosystems (SNE), and Water Quality, Quantity and Security (Water).

2015 competitive grants cycle:

Call released: January 22

Application submission cycle

  • Letter of Intent (LOI) due March 16
  • LOI decisions April 24
  • Full proposals due June 22

Technical peer review: late June – early September 2015

Strategic Initiative review and recommendations: September 2015

Program Council review and recommendations: October/November 2015

Announcement of funded grants:November/December 2015

Through the 2015 grant cycle, ANR will continue to invest in short-term, high-impact research, education and outreach projects that address priority issues consistent with the Strategic Vision; encourage collaboration among academics; strengthen the research-extension network; and demonstrate relevance and likelihood of impact on significant agricultural, economic, environmental, and social issues in California.

During the previous three competitive grant cycles, 52 projects have been approved for funding for a total investment of close to $12 million. These projects have yielded significant deliverables and outcomes. Examples are highlighted in the recent assessment summary at http://ucanr.edu/grants_assessment_summary. I continue to be excited by the high level of engagement across the ANR network, including many students, and with many of our external partners. The assessment summary also includes specific information about how the program is reaching collaboration goals.

While the funds available for the competitive grants program will depend on a number of factors, we anticipate funding to be roughly the same as in past cycles. We are committed to providing as much support as feasible to address high-priority issues.

Taking into consideration the findings from the 2014 grants program formative assessment, we have made a few small changes to this year's call. Most notably, grant applicants will now be asked to identify the specific priority issue area their proposals address. The priority issue areas are highlighted in the RFP and include links to the Strategic Initiative plans for further information. In this way, we will be better able to track and communicate efforts and impact.


Barbara Allen-Diaz
Vice President

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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.

By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach