Guidelines for salary increase for academics and non-represented staff

Jun 2, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

As announced in the April 8, 2014, ANR Update by UC ANR Vice President Barbara Allen-Diaz, UC ANR Academics and Non-represented Staff Employees will receive a 3 percent salary increase effective July 1, 2014.  In the announcement, the vice president stated that guidelines would be forthcoming.  Attached please find the 2014-15 3 percent salary increase guidelines for academics and non-represented staff.

Should you have questions regarding the salary guidelines, please contact Kimberly Rodrigues, executive director of the Academic Personnel Unit, at or Linda Marie Manton, executive director of the Staff Personnel Unit, at

Kim Rodrigues                                       Linda Marie Manton
UC ANR APU Executive Director             UC ANR SPU Executive Director


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