LOIs invited for full proposals now posted

Aug 19, 2013

The five strategic initiative panels reviewed 195 letters of intent (LOI) that were submitted to ANR’s 2013 competitive grants program to identify strong, substantive connections to the initiative priorities. Of those, 70 projects have been selected to submit full proposals, which will be due Friday, Oct. 4.

The LOIs invited to submit full proposals are posted for viewing at http://ucanr.edu/files/171613.pdf.

“The quality of the proposals is outstanding and participation is nearly double the 109 LOIs that we received in 2011,” said Bill Frost, associate vice president.

The full applications will undergo numerous levels of evaluation, including technical reviews that the strategic initiative leaders will assess and consider when they review all of the proposals on Dec. 10 and forward their comments and priorities to Program Council.

In January, Program Council will evaluate and discuss the proposals and make funding recommendations to ANR leadership, which will discuss and forward recommendations to VP Barbara Allen-Diaz.

ANR’s 2013 competitive grants awards are expected to be announced by VP Allen-Diaz in February 2014.

The full call for proposals for the 2013 ANR competitive grants is at http://ucanr.edu/cg.


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By Pamela Kan-Rice
Author - Assistant Director, News and Information Outreach